Sunday, September 15, 2019

Entry #5: "When Mayhem Strikes"

As much as I love "Digging Deeper" into entertainment, I feel as though it is just as important to do so for a more practical purpose.

When one reads, watches, or hears the news, one must understand not just what is being told, but how they are learning of it, and by whom. If you were to read a news article on Fox News' official website, you could see their own interpretation to a certain event. If you were to go to a lesser new source, however, you might just as well find someone else's interpretation of Fox News' interpretation of an event that you have yet to know about firsthand.

Apart from news, this applies to common advertisements as well. Take Allstate's famous "Mayhem" commercials for instance. These ads are famous for a good reason, as they are excellent in their purpose and provides entertainment for the viewers.

The advertisements range from hilarity, to startling reality. The general formula of these ads is thus: "Mayhem", sharply-dressed man, causes great damage to person or property that could be avoided or negated by insurance. The purpose is clearly to convince the public to buy Allstate insurance, however, this is done in a way that is not only entertaining, but insightful, as the audience is given the opportunity to decide whether or not they would be willing to risk the possibility of any of the aforementioned incidents occurring when they did not have the proper insurance to recover. Moreover, it shows the diversity in types of insurance, which not everyone would be aware of, and in doing so, promotes the many types that Allstate provides.

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